Monday, February 23, 2009

Dress Code II

What would you do, if you as...

..Paris Hilton got kidnapped into the deep jungles of Amazon with the Matses?

..Tom Cruise landed in the middle of Sahara with the Beduoins?

..Takeshi Kaneshiro needed to do the sumazau dance in order to survive the Kadazans?

Sounds strange, we know, but it's all about adapting... adapting to the new surroundings, making the best of it, rising up above it!

This is what we want you to do.....

Every group is assigned a particular culture and matched with a celebrity. Your task is to get into the shoes of your character, and portray the celebrities adapting to the cultures they are thrown into. Bear in mind that in order to survive they have to follow the traditions and cultures of the natives- dance like them, wear like them, behave like them, why, even speak like them!!!

How would you do it? Can you SURVIVE?

*Warning: strong research and adaptation skills needed. Be prepared for the worst.

The Dress Code Committee will be going round to let the group leaders draw lots on what their culture and celebrity is.

a) A group member is to be the struggling celebrity while the others as supporting characters
b) Marks will be allocated for creativity- make it as interesting and HUMOROUS as possible.
c) Time limit: 5-6 minutes

Basic Rules:
a) Please do not offend/insult/mock your allocated culture in ANY way. Marks will be deducted for offending/insulting.
c) At least 8-9 members should be involved.
d) A maximum of 3 OOs are allowed to be involved.
e) Don’t forget to be punctual and have the group flag and name tags with you guys!

Do refer to the points system below as a guide to what the judges are looking out for.

Points System
1. Dress Code (Costumes and props) – 40 marks
2. Content:
Storyline – 20 marks
Creativity – 20 marks
Enthusiasm – 10 marks
Discipline/ Miscellaneous – 10 marks
Grand total of 100 marks

It is paramount that the judges should be able to distinguish between the different tribes. As mentioned before, each group MUST do their homework and find out what makes the tribe they are assigned to unique from the other tribes assigned to other groups.

That said, have fun people!

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